This is the Hypnotherapy Process that Can Overcome Mental Health | tus

This is the Hypnotherapy Process that Can Overcome Mental Health

 This is the Hypnotherapy Process that Can Overcome Mental Health

The term hypnotherapy or hypnotherapy is generally considered to be therapy by means of unconsciousness or sleep. Whereas the form of therapy in the form of hypnosis is guided for conscious relaxation. When you feel relaxed, the hypnotherapy process can be done by accessing the data that is in your memory.

Through the class dXpertise Mental Health: Going to The Extra Mile of Yourself, Mindfulness & Well-being Coach Nabila Gasani as Hypnotherapist & Human Designer Reader shares hypnotherapy tips.

「潜在意識にアクセスする方法の 1 つは、記憶を思い出し、それを変更することです。 In the past, we felt worthless and the hypnosis process was brainwave transition. Her body was very relaxed. The process of new meaning made an impression on us," explained Nabila Gasani, in the event d' Xpertise, mental health going to the extra mile of yourself, Saturday (12/22/2022) at The Jambuluwuk Thamrin Hotel, Central Jakarta.

According to Nabila, not everyone can do hypnotherapy therapy. We recommend that you who will go through counseling first can explain all the problems and thoughts that are inside you. The hypnotherapy process will then be sorted out one by one.


「ヒプノセラピーの理由を教えていただけますか? What's the problem? What's the root? Is there trauma? Only then you enter the hypnotherapy process and the subconscious can interact more easily," he said.

In undergoing hypnotherapy you must feel comfortable and believe first, so that the hypnotherapy process runs easily. Everyone has a different time to do the hypnotherapy process.

「もちろん、手術の最初のカウンセリング プロセスが、手術、分析、手術、故障の順に行われる場合、クライアントは回復を優先することを選択します。 Be detailed in advance, how much therapy will be operated on or cleaned up," he said.

Nabila said that everyone has a believe system or one that regulates the way of the field and is formed from childhood. The counseling process is usually carried out by Nabila with the client telling what is inside.

「信念体系は子供の頃から形成されており、大人になると現実に適応しなければなりません。 The principle that has existed for years is that you absorb various information and interpret the incident. There is something that is contradicted by what we want," he explained.

Tips in an emergency you can't control yourself, there are moments you can do. Nabila says you have to ask yourself how you feel.

"Every day, you feel nervous, panic from within yourself, Nabila said you can sit down and ask yourself. If you panic, ask yourself because you are afraid. What are you afraid of? We must dare to dig in and ask questions. to ourselves. When you panic, don't ignore it because worry comes from the future or the past," he concluded.