6 Ways to Get Out of a Toxic Environment, To Maintain Mental Health | tus

6 Ways to Get Out of a Toxic Environment, To Maintain Mental Health

 6 Ways to Get Out of a Toxic Environment, To Maintain Mental Health

Everyone wants to feel peace of mind and heart. Both at home and in the environment. But what if you are in a toxic environment or feel uncomfortable? How to get out?

Through the class d'Xpertise Mental Health: Going to The Extra Mile of Yourself, Mindfulness & Well-being Coach Raden Prisya shares tips to deal with it. Raden Prisya, who is familiarly called Pi, is known as a mindfulness and well-being coach who often shares content about mindfulness and self-development.

Pi reveals the signs of a toxic environment stem from poor communication with each other. In addition, bad leadership, gangs, and not spurring to growth include a toxic environment.

"In fact, what feels bad is not avoiding conflict. But wait, are they actually toxic or am I the bad guy? To solve the problem, we need a higher level of awareness from where the problem started," said Raden Prisya at the d'Xpertise event, mental health going to the extra mile of yourself,

Then how to get out of a toxic environment? Raden Prisya said several explanations that you can do to get out of a toxic environment:

1. Not following bad habits

In socializing in the surrounding environment of course have different characters. Raden Prisya said if in the surrounding environment you often gossip or gossip, you should not follow these habits.

"Don't let the environment show off all of us, we must have our limits. Sometimes we follow the environment and have our limits. Stay calm even though we are not calm," he explained.

2. Make a Plan to Get Out of a Toxic Environment

Furthermore, if you feel you are in a toxic environment, you should immediately get out of an environment that has a negative impact on yourself.

3. Exercise Yourself

According to Raden Prisya, instead of being busy judging a toxic environment, you should overcome your anger at yourself. Every human being in his actions there is something called a 'hidden agenda' that comes from good and bad memories, perceptions, values ​​that are educated from childhood. To get out, we have to break through that feeling.

"Hidden agendas feel significant or feel validated, want to be seen as successful, feel sufficient, certain or secure. Variety and love. Self-growth and contribution," he explained.

"Many things we can change, but change yourself. Self-awareness must be patient, compassionate, observing and not judging yourself," he added.

4. By Stress

The next way to get out of a toxic environment is to observe yourself. Try to explore your potential, passive (know not to act), not bound by everything because it is a deposit. Furthermore, responsive knows when to act and enjoy the moment in a toxic environment.

"Toxic environment, we need to quickly rise from stress. Mindfulness is being fully present for yourself and accepting. Be aware of your own thoughts," said Raden Prisya.

5. Give Yourself Time

If you are in a toxic environment, you can give yourself some time. "Doing hobbies, calming yourself down. Because you need to do five parts of yourself starting from physical, eating, exercising, sleeping, intake for yourself," he said.

6. Consultation on Professionals or Experts

Lastly, according to Raden Prisya, if you really don't get out of a toxic environment, you can consult an expert or experts.

"If you're feeling pain that is already tight, achy, overthinking, explosive that repeats itself, maybe you need help," he concluded.