7 Foods to Launch a Bowel Naturally, Bye Bye Constipation | tus

7 Foods to Launch a Bowel Naturally, Bye Bye Constipation

 7 Foods to Launch a Bowel Naturally, Bye Bye Constipation!

CHAPTER is not smooth or constipation can cause discomfort in the stomach. Especially if it lasts for days.

A person can be said to be constipated if they only poop three times a week or less. In addition, the consistency of feces is also hard, dry, lumpy and difficult to remove.

Some of the most common factors causing constipation are due to medication, consumption of certain supplements or a diet lacking in fiber. Other causes are disorders of the pelvic muscles, indigestion or blockage of the intestines.

In many common cases, constipation can be treated at home, simply by changing your diet by consuming fiber-rich foods or taking probiotics. Dietitian Emily Haller, MS, RDN, suggests some foods to launch bowel movements to be consumed every day.

1. Fiber Rich Foods

Fiber is very important for maintaining digestive health and smooth bowel movements. Almost all types of vegetables and fruits are high in fiber, as are oatmeal and whole-grain breads.

Make sure your daily diet contains soluble and insoluble fiber by consuming a variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Soluble fiber absorbs water and when it comes into contact with water it forms a gel-like substance in the stomach. This fiber slows down the digestive process so you feel full longer.

Meanwhile, insoluble fiber speeds up the passage of food through the intestines, carrying food residues that are not absorbed by the body and expelling them through feces. Soluble fiber also works to reduce constipation by making bowel movements smoother.

2. Apple

Apples are rich in insoluble fiber, pectin and many other enzymes that help break down and get rid of food particles that irritate the stomach. Apples also contain sorbitol, a sugar alcohol that can be found in several types of fruit. Sorbitol functions as a laxative or natural laxative substance.


3. Avocado

This creamy fruit is rich in potassium and fiber which is friendly to the stomach. Avocados also include food to launch a bowel movement .

4. Papaya

Papaya is known as a fruit that is good for treating ulcers, stomach pain, heartburn and diarrhea. Papayas contain papain, a natural digestive enzyme that helps break down foods that may be bothersome to the stomach. Eating papaya regularly every day can also help smooth digestion and make bowel movements more regular.

5. Banana

The high fiber content of bananas stimulates the large intestine, making stools easier to pass. Bananas are also believed to be very good for dealing with diarrhea.

6. Yoghurt

Yogurt products on the market are usually packed with probiotics that are good for the gut. As reported by My Recipes, a 2014 study found probiotics can increase intestinal transit time, stool frequency and stool consistency.

In addition to yogurt, you can also consume kefir (fermented milk with a thick texture). A study published in the Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology found that daily consumption of kefir for four weeks increased the frequency and consistency of stools.

7. Whole Wheat Bread

Choose bread that is really good for digestion including wheat bread or bread with grains (whole grain). Whole grain bread has more fiber than normal white bread so it can be a food to promote BAB .