Breathing Techniques to Release Your Emotions For Mental Health | tus

Breathing Techniques to Release Your Emotions For Mental Health

 Breathing Techniques to Release Your Emotions For Mental Health

Mental health today is a problem that is often encountered. One way to maintain mental health can be by releasing negative energy in the body. Like what?

Through the dXpertise Going to The Extra Mile of Yourself event, Nabila Gasani Hypnotherapist Human Design Reader Energy Balancing Therapist shared tips on how to release negative energy in the body. According to him, there are three steps that can be taken, namely: Accept, Be Honest and Let Go.

First you have to admit or accept the feelings that are inside of you. Are you feeling sad, angry, disappointed or whatever.

Nabila likens the feeling to being carrying a backpack. Try putting the backpack means you put the burden that is inside yourself.

When you've realized that there is a feeling inside of you, decide where to take that feeling. Will you continue to carry the anger, sadness or disappointment with you or let go.

Releasing feelings of sadness, anger or disappointment inside, according to Nabila, is usually done by someone shouting, crying or even slamming things. Actually there is an easier and more positive way to release these feelings, namely by breathing.

What is a good breathing technique to release energy or feelings of anger, sadness to disappointment in the body? Following is Nabila Gasani's explanation:

1. Feel in the body where you feel uncomfortable. The feeling is stored in the body. Often on the chest or head, but can also be in other parts of the body.
2. Then take a deep breath, exhale or exhale slowly through the mouth.
3. Do it with a smile. Release the emotion or feeling by smiling lovingly.