The Tragedy of Kanjuruhan in Warganet's Records | tus

The Tragedy of Kanjuruhan in Warganet's Records

The football match between Arema FC and Persebaya Surabaya at the Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang, East Java on Saturday (1/10/2022) ended in chaos. Not between the fans of the two clubs, but with the security forces. The tear gas fired by the police towards the stands is said to be the cause of the fans' panic. A total of 125 people died and nearly 300 were injured.

Netizens' uploads about this tragedy immediately flooded social media, regardless of the form of the platform. Photos and videos related to these events are sent and reposted from one user to another. Starting from tear gas, the repressive steps of the apparatus, to the condition of the victim.

On Twitter, on Sunday (2/10) the hashtag #Kanjuruhan became a popular topic, followed by #PrayForKanjuruhan and #TNIAD on Monday (3/10), then today, Tuesday (4/10) #kengeriandi Pintu13. A total of two hundred thousand more tweets were sent and reposted.

Application to advance the schedule

Warganet considered that a match that was held at night was more risky than being held in the afternoon, even though the match was not attended by Persebaya supporters.

Arema FC management has sent a letter requesting a schedule change from the Malang Police to PT Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB) for security reasons. The police on the recommendation of intelligence asked for the match to be held in the afternoon.

PT LIB responded to the reference by still wanting this match to be held on schedule, while asking the Arema FC Panpel to coordinate optimally with the police.

Tear gas shot

Videos showed tear gas fired at the stands, which were still full of spectators. The testimony of netizens who were in the stands stated that there were also children and women. Some netizens also mentioned that tear gas was fired repeatedly. A video and several photos captured the moment when thick smoke of tear gas enveloped one side of the field so that fans could only see the tips of their heads.

Supporters who were in pain and struggling to breathe due to the side effects of tear gas automatically panicked, trying to get out of the stadium. Tens of thousands of humans, children and adults, immediately stormed the exit. Along with the moment of jostling, some of them fell, were trampled, and were short of breath.

FIFA's rules regarding stadium safety and security (FIFA Stadium Saferty and Security Regulations) clearly read, No firearms or 'crowd control gas' shall be carried or used.

However, Inspector General of Police Nico Afinta, East Java Regional Police Chief, in his press conference in Malang, East Java on Sunday morning (2/10/2022) said that the tear gas shooting was in accordance with security procedures. The reason is that the actions of the audience are anarchic and are considered a safety hazard.

Stadium exit

A video recorded by the victim showed a crowd of supporters unable to get out because the stadium doors were closed. A photo uploaded by a netizen shows the wall next to the door with 13 holes. Supporters who were trapped broke through the wall to save themselves.

On Sunday night (2/10), General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, the head of the Indonesian National Police, announced himself when he arrived in Malang, East Java that the death toll had reached 125. The local Health Service also reported that hundreds of others suffered minor and serious injuries.

repressive actions of the apparatus

While the public was still trying to digest the tear gas, an amateur video circulated that captured the moment when members of the TNI kicked the bodies of two supporters who took to the field. Just as the legs were swung, they fell straight to the ground.

General Andika Perkasa, the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, on Monday (3/10) said he would take firm action against the TNI personnel. "We will not lead to discipline, but criminal, because indeed it is very excessive. It's not in order to defend themselves or something else for example. That for me is a criminal act," Andika said.

Case handling by the government 

Mahfud MD, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs said the government formed an Independent Fact-Finding Team (TGIPF) to uncover the dark tragedy at the Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang, East Java, Saturday (1/102022) night.

Mahfud will directly lead the team consisting of officials from the relevant ministries, professional football sports organizations, observers, academics, and the mass media.