For Mental Health, Know How to Manage Stress and Emotions | tus

For Mental Health, Know How to Manage Stress and Emotions

 It is natural as a human to feel stress and emotions. However, every emotion that arises can still be managed properly so as not to trigger and cause excessive stress that interferes with mental health.

How to manage stress and emotions? Wolipop is supported by Pinterest Indonesia with dr. Ekachaeryanti Zain is a Psychiatrist, in the Kulwap Wolipop activity #YourBestVersion, I will thoroughly explain How to Manage Stress and Emotions Carefully.

dr. Ekachaeryanti Zain said that one way to avoid stress is to have positive emotions by recognizing emotions, validating the emotions present, practicing gratitude for yourself, and doing things that make you happy.

Tips for managing stress and emotions from dr. Ekachaeryanti Zain can be seen in full in the following Material Video, click here .

If after watching the video material there are questions for the resource person regarding Managing Stress and Emotions Carefully