What is Twibbonize? Here are the Functions and Guidelines for Making it 2022 | tus

What is Twibbonize? Here are the Functions and Guidelines for Making it 2022

 Twibbonize is a space for creators to promote their campaign activities. With twibbonize , you can upload homemade photo frames, write captions , and share information related to the campaign being worked on via links, embeds , and others on social media. Anyone can use twibbonize for any purpose, without exception. In other words, you can support each other in a fun way just by using twibbonize . For that, find out the meaning, function, and guide to making twibbonize in this article.

What is twibbonize ?

Twibbonize or twibbon is a digital photo frame in which there is a message or campaign to commemorate a particular day, moment, or event. In general, twibbonize is used for profile photo needs on social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and others. However, over time, twibbonize became widely used to commemorate events such as holidays and birthdays.

Twibbonize itself can be obtained easily through the twibbonize website . On the site, there are several twibbons that have been created by users and can be used for free or not paid. It's just that, the collections available on twibbonize may not all match the criteria you are looking for. So, you can adjust by making your own twibbonize that is more suitable for personal taste.

The function of twibbonize

You could say, currently twibbonize is an alternative promotion step that is widely used by many people. All activities can be promoted just by making twibbonize . After that, the activity will spread by itself through the power of social media. For example, for the needs of tournament or Olympic events. Organizers will usually make twibbons as creative and interesting as possible. In the end, twibbonize will slowly be used by people and uploaded on social media. As a result, many people will see it and participate to enliven it. Here is the function of twibbonize that you can know.

Can be used to make posters

As a banner on Facebook page

As a promotional media tool

As a media support for an event

Guide to making twibbonize 2022

There are many ways to make twibbonize that you can practice. Everything can be made in an easy and fast way. Check out the following explanation.

1. Make a twibbon with twibbonize

The first way to create twibbonize is to create one directly on the twibbonize website . Here are the steps.

Make sure the internet connection is connected first

Open the browser on your phone

Open the website address at https://twibbonize.com/

Choose the twibbon design you want to use

Next, tap on the twibbon design you want to use

[画像を参照] を選択し、アップロード プロセスが完了するまでしばらく待ちます。

Adjust the location of the photo for the twibbon design  until it looks right

If it is appropriate, click on the " Upload Photo " section

左上隅にある小さなアイコンの [ダウンロード] をクリックします。

You can also use Twibbonize

2. Make a twibbon with Twibbon.com

You can also make twibbonize through this one site. Pay attention to the steps as follows.

Make sure the internet connection is connected

Open the respective browser applications

Go to the website https://twibbon.com/

次に、右上隅にある「ログイン」ボタンをクリックします。 Then, login using your Facebook or Google account

After logging in , click " Start Campaign "


In the " Your Email " section, fill in your email . Twibbon.com からの通知を受け取りたい場合のチェックリスト。 " Twibbon Name " can be filled with your twibbon name , the " Description " section can be filled with a description of the activity or campaign

After everything is filled in correctly, then just click " I am Happy, Continue "

Then, you will be directed to the “ Add File ” box, to select a photo or image.

If it's uploaded, you can edit the twibbon as you wish

After that, you can save it and use the twibbon

3. Twibbonize with Canva

Apart from these two steps, you can also twibbonize using Canva. Pay attention to the steps below.

Open the browser application . Go to the canva.com site and sign in with your Google account . You can also upload the application to make it easier

On the main page there will be features, such as banners, cards , Instagram, and others. Just choose one

Next, you will arrive at the design page. 「検索」ボタンと「フレーム」ボタンをクリックします。 Later, several frame options will appear . Choose one of the desired frames

Click the “ Text ” button to add text, upload photos or backgrounds

Then click " Download " when it's finished

Twibbon images that have been downloaded will be directly saved in your gallery

Before starting to upload or upload twibbonize , you need to make the background look transparent so it can be replaced with a photo

That's the explanation about twibbonize and how to make it with various platforms . Hopefully the information above can help you, yes!

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