7 Tips to Make Your Career Goals More Focused | tus

7 Tips to Make Your Career Goals More Focused

Setting career goals is a great way to guide you on the right career path, but do you know how to make them? Determining a career path is not an easy job. Many people think that this decision is a tough decision that can affect their lives in the future.

Unfortunately, not many people are sure how to determine their career path. As a result, many workers are dissatisfied with their jobs.

Because surveys show that two thirds of all employees are unhappy with their jobs. Although there are no guarantees, there are ways you can make your career path more enjoyable to live.

1. Start by reflecting on yourself about your deeper career goals

Try to look back at what you work for and what abilities you have. These two things are the right formula to make what kind of career criteria you should choose.

After that, ask yourself, what kind of abilities can take you to the highest point of your career. Finally, find out what your character looks like when it comes to pressure at work and how you interact with your friends. This will help you to adapt in the office more flexibly.

2. Discuss the career path you want to achieve

After doing an assessment of yourself, try to find additional references about what kind of career you should choose. You can take personality quizzes like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or MBTI at 16personalities.com . 

The reason is, through the MBTI test you also see what kind of worker is right for you. Check out some jobs that are suitable for MBTI here. 

3. Do research on the career options you want to pursue

Once you have an idea about your career choice, try to do research on the career from trusted sources. From this research, you can find out what requirements you must meet in order to get to that point.

The next step is to conduct a trial interview with someone who is already in the field. Try to contact alumni or your friends who can help you. Finally, take note of how your interview test turned out. Do you have the skills and values that match your career choice or not.

4. Start an internship or volunteer 

To get a more complete picture, try to find an internship or volunteer in the field so that you know what challenges may arise and how to solve them. so you get more experience and knowledge about the career field you want to go to.

5. Making decisions about career goals

The final step, you must be prepared to make decisions around the choice of your career goals. Is the choice realistic enough for you to achieve, do you still need to meet a few more requirements. 

In addition, first find out if there are other shortcuts that you can take first, such as taking short lectures or attending workshops.

6. Make sure you are committed to your next career goal

Talking about targets or goals, it is important that you are able to commit to success. So, after you make a decision, try to commit to your choice. 

7. Go through the process to reach the career goal point

The career goal that can determine your next step in work is to go through the process to reach the point of career goal. This can be done by preparing changes so that the plan can be realized.

Some people don't always come to terms with the reality they live in. To reach the final destination point, discipline and commitment are provisions for you to go through new stages as the road to the destination point.

In order to be more committed, of course the goals you apply must be clear first. The goals you set should be treated as if you were trying to get something of great value. It can be useful as your motivation to work, so you can accept the process and reach the right steps towards your next career goal

In addition, you also need to be sure that these goals are important to you and you can achieve them in the future.