5 Facts & Myths about Beauty, Good Skincare Is Priced? | tus

5 Facts & Myths about Beauty, Good Skincare Is Priced?

Currently, a lot of information and tips and tricks about beauty are widely circulated through social media. However, unfortunately not all of this information can be said to be true.

Responding to this, the Beauty Doctor dr. Abelina D Fitria thoroughly explores five myths and facts about the world of beauty. Starting from oily skin, you don't need to use moisturizer to the effectiveness of skincare is determined by the price.

1. Myth: Oily Skin Doesn't Need to Use Moisturizer

According to dr. Abelina's statement is wrong because moisturizer works to hydrate the skin. The hydration process is related to the water content in the facial skin, not the oil content.

"A common misconception is that moisturizers as skincare will cause the oil levels on the face to increase. In fact, the oil levels will actually increase when the face is not properly hydrated," explained dr. Abelina in her statement, Friday (4/11/2022).

2. Fact: Use Sunscreen Even Indoors

「太陽光には、窓を透過するUVAとUVBの放射波が含まれているため、家で活動していても、日焼け止めなどのスキンケア製品を使用することが重要です. To counteract UVA and UVB rays, use a sunscreen with a multi-spectrum or broad-spectrum formula. Indonesian skin simply chooses sunscreen with SPF 30-50 PA++++," said dr. Abelina.

3. Myth: Toothpaste Can Treat Acne

The content in toothpaste can actually cause irritation on the face. So it is not recommended to use toothpaste to treat acne problems.

「治療を行う前に、にきびの種類を知ってください。 First, it is acne, it is caused by environmental and food factors. In addition, there is cystic acne which is genetic," said dr. Abelina.

"Treat acne breakouts by using makeup and skincare according to skin type. Cleanliness of the surrounding environment also needs to be considered. To recover cystic acne, consult a doctor first to get the right skincare. Also avoid consuming processed foods and drinks and those with high sugar content such as sweets and soda," he added.

4. Fact: Skincare with Perfume or Fragrance is not recommended

"In addition to perfume, skincare that contains essential oils is also not recommended because these two ingredients have the potential to make the skin 'stress' so that it damages the skin barrier," explained dr. Abelina.

5. Myth: Price Doesn't Determine Skincare Effectiveness

"A good skin care product is one that is adapted to the type and condition of the skin. There are many local skin care products at affordable prices that are no less competitive with foreign-made products because there are ingredients that are proven to be effective for skin care," said dr. Abelina.

The 2022 Tokopedia Beauty Awards will be held again

On the other hand, Tokopedia's Category Development Senior Lead, Sherine Pranata, said that Tokopedia noted that sunscreen was one of the most sought after products by the public through Tokopedia during the third quarter of 2022. In addition, to support local beauty products as the community's first choice, Tokopedia will again hold Tokopedia. Beauty Awards 2022.

「地元の美容製品がインドネシアの人々の主な選択肢となるために、Tokopedia は 2022 Tokopedia Beauty Awards を再び開催します。 At this award event, people can vote for their favorite local beauty and personal care brands in 25 award categories through a special page on the Tokopedia application until November 20 2022," said Sherine.

Later, the results of the 2022 Tokopedia Beauty Awards winners will be announced in December 2022. The winners will receive various benefits to support their business, starting from the Tokopedia Beauty Awards badge to increase buyer trust, being able to participate in various campaigns on Tokopedia exclusively, capital for marketing and much more.