This Causes Acne on the Back, Hormones to Stress | tus

This Causes Acne on the Back, Hormones to Stress

 Acne can appear on any part of the body, including the back. What causes acne on the back ? Below is an explanation of the causes of acne on the back and how to overcome them.

Back acne causes pimples that appear as red bumps, whiteheads or blackheads. Back acne can be unsightly, annoying and painful.

Acne occurs when oil, dirt, dead skin cells and bacteria clog the skin pores. Back acne usually occurs when sweat gets trapped under a shirt or tracksuit. Clothing rubs against sweaty skin, which causes acne or makes it worse.

What causes acne on the back ?

There are many reasons people get acne, so it's important to know why and how pimples form. For back acne, the cause is the accumulation of dead skin cells and oil.

「ソルビトールは体が吸収するのが難しく、胃から水を引き出すことができるため、排便が速くなり、便中の水分が増加し、便秘を克服するのに役立ちます. Cutibacterium acnes, that triggers an inflammatory response," says Kara Shah, MD. Dermatology in Cincinnati as quoted from Everyday Health.

Here are some causes of acne on the back that you need to know:

1. Genetics

Acne problems can run in your family. Including back acne caused by congenital or hereditary factors. If someone in your family has back acne, chances are you can too.

2. Drugs

Acne can develop as a side effect of some medications such as certain antidepressants. If you have back acne, check to see if the medications you are taking are the cause.