Symptoms of Overthinking and Ways to Overcome It You Can Try Yourself | tus

Symptoms of Overthinking and Ways to Overcome It You Can Try Yourself

 Symptoms of Overthinking and Ways to Overcome It You Can Try Yourself

World Mental Health Day is observed every October 10. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world.

Talk about mental health, not limited to conditions of stress, depression, OCD or ADHD that require professional treatment. Mental disorders can also occur in everyday life that are often not realized, such as overthinking .

As reported by the official website of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, overthinking is included in the category of psychological disorders because it causes anxiety in sufferers. Excessive overthinking will have a negative impact on health such as difficulty sleeping, difficulty eating to lower physical health such as GERD or stomach acid.

「考えすぎは、未来や過去に起こったことについて常に考えているときに起こり、それが頭の中で遊び続け、時には混乱することもあります。」 explains Psychiatrist and Minfulness Coach, dr. Ekachaeryanti Zain in Wolipop's Kulwap #YourBestVersion 'Manage Stress and Emotions Carefully'.

Symptoms of someone who is overthinking can vary. As quoted from Forbes, there are at least ten signs that can indicate you are overthinking:

1. Can't stop worrying

2. Often worry about things that can't be controlled.

3. Always remember past mistakes.

4. Often recalls embarrassing moments over and over again.

5. Too much wishing on things never happened.

6. Having trouble sleeping.

7. Unable to stop thinking about what other people say.

8. Spend a lot of time thinking about the hidden meaning behind what people or events say.

9. Dislikes other people saying things or acting in an unusual way.

10. Spending time thinking about the past or worrying about the future.

Are you experiencing any of the above symptoms or even more? So it needs to be addressed immediately so as not to drag on and cause a more severe condition.

How to Overcome Overthinking

「考えすぎを克服するには、今この瞬間に存在し、今この瞬間に思考を提示し、それから何かをする必要があります。 Because thoughts will affect behavior and feelings, on the other hand behavior will also affect thoughts and feelings. know the way out," explained dr. Eka.

Once we know that we are overthinking, the first thing we can do is pause and ask what is the most important thing to do right now. For example, if you have to take a shower immediately, then go take a shower. If you have to eat, then go eat.

「つまり、考えすぎるのをやめるということは、ある特定の行動をとることです。 By doing this behavior our minds will change and not revolve around the same thought. So we take more action," explained the founder of the Indonesian Psychiatric Trainees' Association (IPTA).

「今すべき最も重要なことは何かを常に尋ね、すぐにそれを実行してください。 Count down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 then get up and do it immediately," he added.

Enough Sleep Can Help Overcome Overthinking

In addition, adequate sleep is also important to overcome overthinking. Because everyone needs sleep and when you can't sleep at night it will be difficult to refresh your mind and the impact is always overthinking.

dr. Eka suggests implementing sleep hygiene that can help you fall asleep more easily. Sleep hygiene is a clean sleep pattern, a practice done to build healthy sleep habits. What to pay attention to?

- Don't drink coffee or caffeine four hours before bed

- Set the same bedtime every day

- Don't touch gadgets two hours before bed

- Turn off the lights to increase melatonin

- Listen to soothing music before bed

「この習慣を一貫して行うのは、1日から12日だけでは何も変わらないからです. The brain needs exercise, so do it consistently," he concluded.