It turns out that this is the reason Tuhiyat was appointed as the new president director of MRT Jakarta | tus

It turns out that this is the reason Tuhiyat was appointed as the new president director of MRT Jakarta

 Tuhiyat was officially appointed as the President Director of PT MRT Jakarta . Tuhiyat replaced Mohamad Apriandy who had just occupied the position on July 22 through the Circular General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS).

Tuhiyat's reason for being appointed as MRT boss is because he has experience in the field of corporate financing, which is expected to strengthen coordination between stakeholders in order to fulfill funding.

"Tuhiyat, who has experience in corporate financing, is expected to strengthen the coordination process between the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, the Ministry of Transportation, Bappenas, and also the Ministry of Finance and PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) stakeholders in an effort to fulfill the funding," said Acting Head of BP. DKI Jakarta BUMD Fitria Rahadiani in a written statement, Wednesday (26/10/2022).

In addition to the position of president director, the commissioners of PT MRT Jakarta were also reshuffled. Dodik Wijanarko was appointed as President Commissioner, and former Director of PT MRT, William Sabandar, and Bambang Kristiyono were appointed as Commissioner of PT MRT Jakarta respectively.

"It is hoped that it can provide direction and input to the board of directors in relation to the construction process of MRT Jakarta phase 2 and subsequent phases," he said.


Fitria explained that the previous performance of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners had shown good progress and achievements. On the other hand, in the future, more intensive efforts are needed to coordinate with relevant stakeholders in order to fulfill funding, especially the financing of phase 2 and the next phase in the near future.

「これまでの PT MRT ジャカルタ (ペルセローダ) の取締役会と委員会の業績は、乗客数の増加を含め、良好な進歩と成果を示しています  passengers until the third quarter of 2022 compared to the total passengers in 2021 has increased by 80.9% which rose from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic), transportation integration (CSW stops and ASEAN Stations), infrastructure support for KBT (Save Intersection Lebak Bulus, Simpang Temu Dukuh Atas, and Taman Martha Tiahahu) and so on," said Fitria.

He further explained that the replacement of the President Director, President Commissioner, and members of the commissioners had been carried out in accordance with the procedures and provisions of the legislation, through the Decision of the Shareholders outside the GMS which was signed on October 25, 2022