Causes of Sensitive Facial Skin and How to Overcome It | tus

Causes of Sensitive Facial Skin and How to Overcome It

Sensitive skin is not part of the skin type, but a condition or skin sensation that feels uncomfortable and easily irritated. Besides being easily irritated, sensitive skin is often characterized by itching and burning sensations, dry to cracked skin.

The cause of sensitive skin can be from various triggers. According to the dermatologist, dr. Andina Bulan Sari, SpKK, sensitive skin is caused by two factors: external and internal.

「外的要因は、天候、日光、汚染、または過度の角質除去成分を含むスキンケアの使用によるものです. While internal factors can occur due to genetics where the skin barrier tends to be thinner, hormonal factors, menstruation or menopause," said dr. Andina at the launch of the Labore Barrier Repair Serum at the Sheraton Hotel, Gandaria City, South Jakarta, Tuesday (27/9/2022).

Sensitive skin can not do just any treatment. For those who have signs of skin that are easily irritated, itchy or there is a burning sensation, you should be wise in choosing skincare.

"Try to make small notes when you have problems with your skin. For example, after using a facial soap that smells good, your skin becomes itchy. Make notes. Also, if you want to try new skincare, don't go straight to one series because when you have problems you don't know what ingredients are not suitable for your skin," advice dr. Sari Chairunissa, SpKK as VP of Research & Development of PT Paragon Technology & Innovation.

Dr. Andina added that choose skincare that is made from soft, non-alcoholic ingredients, tends to be acidic with a pH of 5 to 5.5 to follow the skin's pH level. It also contains emollients and niacinamide to hydrate and soothe the skin.

"Meanwhile, ingredients that are prone to sensitive skin are not absolutely to be avoided. You can still use them, but maybe use them gradually and choose low concentrations," added dr. Andina.

One of the newest skincare that is safe for sensitive skin is Labore. The local skincare has just released the Labore Barrier Repair Serum which contains paraprobiotics and ceramides that can maintain and strengthen the skin's skin barrier. This skincare can relieve redness. The gentle ingredients in this serum are also suitable for people with skin problems such as dermatitis and psoriasis.