"The story of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Jaelani was spat on by the Prophet SAW" | tus

"The story of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Jaelani was spat on by the Prophet SAW"

 Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani or whose full name is Sayyid Muhyidin Abu Muhammad Abdul Qadir bin Abi Salih Musa Zangi Dausat al-Jaelani is a fiqh scholar who is highly スンニ派に尊敬され、タレカットとスーフィズムの世界では守護者と見なされている

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani was born in the city of Nif or Naif which is included in the Jilan or Al-Jil area, one of the areas located outside the country of Tabaristan. Another opinion says that he was born in the city of Baghdad, where the history is seen from the name Kaelan adapted from the Jailan area.

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani was born in 470 Hijri or 1077 AD from the womb of a woman named Fatimah bint Abi Abdillah Al-Shuma'i and her father named Abu Salih Musa.

Muslims, especially in Indonesia, generally know Sheikh Abdul Qodir Jaelani because his name is often mentioned. His presence in the world is known as a great scholar as well as a historical figure with his phenomenal thoughts in Sufism.

Long story short, before Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani was born, Abu Salih Musa had a dream that the Prophet SAW visited him . In his dream he was told that he would have a son who was very pious and would receive the title of guardianship. These dreams are not limited to sleeping flowers or fairy tales that seem fictional but actually happen.

After Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani was born, he grew up as a young man who was famous for his piety and hospitality. This was witnessed by his assistant named Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin Abdul Fatah al-Harawi.

For 40 years of helping Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani, Abu Abdillah never regretted the nature of his employer. One of his attitudes was seen after Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani finished the Isha prayer. He thought that nothing could disturb him until dawn.

From the routine after carrying out the Isha prayer, many people who wanted to meet Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani were disappointed because they could not meet him.

In the book Al-Fawaid al Mukhtarah Lisaliki Tariq Al-Akhirah quoted from Popular Islamic YouTube, this is the story of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani when the Prophet SAW spat on him in his dream.

One day Sheikh Adbul Qadir Jaelani was in the mosque waiting for the midday prayer. Then he was visited by the Prophet Muhammad . He was shocked and did not continue to pray again when he immediately received a question from the Prophet Muhammad :


「お父様、私は話すのが苦手な人たちの中で育ちました。. So how am I going to speak in front of the people of Baghdad who are good at speaking, plus the many pious scholars?"

Hearing the answer from Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani, the Prophet SAW asked him to open his mouth and immediately spit on it 7 times.

“Now go and speak in front of humans. Preach and invite them to the path of Allah, give them good advice." the words of the Prophet SAW .

After experiencing this incident, finally Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani began to think about a da'wah strategy to be accepted by the residents of the city of Baghdad. Even though the Messenger of Allah spat at him , he was still confused about how to convey the teachings of Islam and invite the people to the way of Allah.

After that, he was visited by Ali bin Abi Talib who asked the same question as the Prophet SAW but received a different answer.

"O my father, I can't, my body has been shaking and I'm nervous in front of so many people."

After hearing that answer, Ali bin Abi Talib also asked Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jailaini to open his mouth and finally he was spit 6 times.

After being spat on by two different people, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani finally became adept at speaking in front of many people to broadcast Islam. His voice was loud enough to be heard by many people, even if only heard from afar.