10 Unique Japanese Things You Can't Find in Other Countries | tus

10 Unique Japanese Things You Can't Find in Other Countries

Japan is always innovating continuously to make people's lives easier. No wonder, if technological advances in Japan make other countries amazed.

It's not just about technology, Japan is an extraordinary country with a beautiful natural environment and unique culture.

Then, there are some unique things in Japan that you may not find in other countries. Anything? The following is his review as reported by Brightside:

1. Car gas station

In Japan, the pipe that delivers gas to the car hangs down from above. This helps drivers avoid situations where they cannot reach the gas tank in their car.

2. Vending machine

Japanese people value time very much. It's clear why they created vending machines that provide you not only with potato chips and chocolate but also fried potatoes, hard boiled eggs, pet food, and pasta.

3. Level two parking


Japan has a population of 127 million, so saving space is a priority. One way this is achieved is by using this unique two-level parking space.

4. Drink cans for the visually impaired

Blind people also want to know what drinks they drink. Japan has thought of this they have their names and information printed in Braille on the cans, thus making it very convenient for consumers.

5. Multifunctional chair


A bag that keeps falling off the back of your chair when hanging is one of the most annoying things in the world. The Japanese have solved this problem by creating a unique chair with a small hollow, this aims to hold the bag from sliding off the seat.

6. Train with Foot Spa

You definitely won't see this on any train. You can get tickets for special suburban trains with hot foot baths and help get rid of the daily stresses that keep you relaxed on the road

7. Free Tissue


In Japan, tissues are given out for free on the streets. This tissue distribution is usually distributed at the station exit, or near the cafeteria. 

8. Multifunctional toilet


Toilets in Japan do more than just serve basic functions. They literally do everything: help people with disabilities, clean themselves up, or warm up with some other feature. 

9. Poppers


Poppers are a tool that creates a calming effect by playing bubbles. This tool helps you reduce stress in no time. In Japan, Poppers are provided free of charge.

10. Auto Door Taxi

日本のタクシーは自動ドアが多い. So you don't have to bother anymore when opening or closing the taxi door.